8 Things You Need To Know Before Buying No Man's Sky

5. Like The Planet-Landing Scenes From Interstellar? You'll Like The Game

interstellar dr mann planet
Paramount Pictures

Let's flip this around, as a lot of the reasoning behind any positivity surrounding No Man's Sky comes from trying to verbalise thefeeling of leaving a planet for the first time, or touching down on a new one.

How do you describe the sensation of pure discovery of the unknown?

It's a mix of when you first pull off some crazy unique stunt in GTA, find a side mission thread that lasts a couple of hours in The Witcher 3, or seek out a fancy custom weapon in Fallout 4.

Potentially nobody else has done/seen this, and there's an inherent pleasure in that, no?

I liken it to Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, and whatever trepidatious feeling you had in the cinema when the crew touched down on an uncharted planet:

For me - and I think also the people who are also getting a kick out of exploring the cosmos - this is the best comparison. Check out the clip above - it's that sensation of "What am I going to find?", "How did this landscape form this way?, "Why are things coloured like this, or even look like this? Let's see what I can find..."

If you can prioritise those feelings above all else, you'll adore what No Man's Sky is offering.

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