8 Things You Need To Know Before Buying No Man's Sky

2. You'll Hate The Inventory Management & Poor Tutorialisation

No Man S Sky Menu
Hello Game

"Go on, fix your ship!" the game proudly states in a nice, colourful menu, thinking to itself, "They'll figure it out... I'm sure."

Well... you will and you won't. Acquiring the appropriate materials and knowing how to put them together to leave the first planet isn't exactly spelled out in layman's terms (considering the reach of the game), and that's before you realise that even reloading your ship's weapons has to be done through a menu.

Inventory slots are deliberately limiting (read: crippling) and you'll max them out in seconds. You know how annoying it is to be 'over-encumbered' in Skyrim, Fallout or The Witcher? Yeah, this is a game of "Inventory full" prompts popping off every 10 minutes for, well, I'm over 30 hours in and I'm still getting it.

You can get access to additional inventory slots (covered in the video above), and the idea to minimise your starting amount is clearly to give you a real sense of progression from beginning to end, but man, for a game focussed on exploration, you can't hold anywhere near the amount of things you come across.

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No Man's Sky
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