8 Times Fan Backlash Killed Video Game Sequels

2. Anthem 2

Anthem game

Oh god, Anthem. Even before launch it didn't look good for Bungie's Destiny-chasing third person loot 'em up.

Following a disastrous reception that admittedly recouped some money through microtransactions, Anthem's player numbers plummeted. Despite launching in February 2019, only two months later it had dropped out the top 50 played games on Xbox, with just 2,500-ish people seeing what Bungie had in store.

The answer, of course, was nothing, and as no "roadmap" for content materialised, a rotation of developers and project leads led to a reboot. Called "Anthem Next", it was to be implemented across 2020.

Once again it was nothing but silence from the devs and shrugs from consumers. February 2021 revealed only 30 people had been tasked with saving the game and subsequent franchise, and EA then decided to cancel it all instead - a move literally predicted from day one.

No doubt those left at Bioware are glad to be working on Mass Effect or Dragon Age again, but what a cataclysmic waste of money this whole project has been.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.