8 Times The Video Game Killer Was Hiding In Plain Sight

6. The Mole - Judgment

judgment the mole

A notably overlooked game from the last few years thanks to not bearing the Yakuza name, developers Ryu Ga Gotoku clearly wanted a clean break from that franchise's more whacky and over-the-top traits.

As such, outside its more quirky side missions, Judgment is a straight up serial killer mystery, seeing various bodies with gouged out eyes turning up across Kamurocho, and you, Takayuki Yagami, on the case.

Over a solid 25 hour campaign this blows up into a full-on investigation into the Ministry of Health, how an experimental drug called AD-9 is linked to the murders, and what a professional assassin known as "The Mole" has been doing all along.

In the closing chapters, before you have a badass af duel with the guy himself for the win, you find out The Mole is actually Mitsuru Kuroiwa, an overly-confident lead detective also on the case, who you've been dealing with a handful of times beforehand.

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