8 Times Video Games Told You You Were Safe (And LIED)

7. The Workbench Ambush - The Last Of Us Part II

Death Stranding
Naughty Dog

Whatever you make of it overall, there's little denying that The Last of Us Part II is one of the most viscerally intense video games of the last five years - an almost relentlessly brutal horror-action game that'll shred your nerve endings to ribbons.

As with its predecessor, throughout the game you'll encounter workbenches which can be used to upgrade your weapons, and it's quickly made clear that these stations are effectively safe areas where you can improve your arsenal without being pestered by either Clickers or human adversaries.

But Naughty Dog evidently couldn't resist messing with players once in the sequel, as when exploring a series of Seattle apartments in the game's third chapter, players who use the nearby workbench will be swiftly ambushed by a group of human foes, one of whom immediately attacks Ellie from behind.

It's a totally jarring, pulse-quickening moment that interrupts an apparent break in all the action, assuring players that even their trusty workbenches aren't safe. 

Once you know it's coming, though, you can prevent yourself from being attacked in future by lining the area leading to the workbench with mines. Brilliant.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.