8 Times You Lost Thanks To A Video Game Cutscene

5. Kai Leng - Mass Effect 3

Kai Leng Mass Effect 3

Kai Leng might well be one of the most hated Mass Effect villains in the entire franchise as not only is this chap an absolute gloater when it comes to professing how cool and edgy he is, he's also the bastard that kills best boy Thane (also in a cutscene meaning you have no impact over this). However, before all of this, Shepard can encounter Kai Leng on Thessia in a boss battle that is utterly infuriating and completely unsatisfying.

The battle takes place shortly after The Illusive Man has tasked the assassin with reclaiming something that belongs to Cerberus and it's a fight that's possibly one of the worst in the entire game. With the help of a gunship, Kai Leng saunters over, attempts to carve you up like a turkey, but will return to recharge his batteries in the center of the arena while the gunship takes shots at you.

It's infuriating to be caught in the open and have the vehicle rinse your health, as is waiting for Kai Leng to change the Duracells in his shields. However, once you finally beat him, the bastard claims the upper hand by destroying the temple and escaping unscathed. Cheers.

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Mass Effect 3
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