8 Types Of Player In Rainbow Six: Siege
7. The Spawn-Peeker
Attackers are highly vulnerable when they spawn, and some defenders rush to windows to fire a quick shot and hopefully whittle down enemy numbers at the start of the game. This is one of the most hated but effective types of player. The downside is not only the dishonourable nature of the tactic but also that spawnpeekers are often killed by attackers. The tactic relies on killing at least one player to make that sacrifice worthwhile.
Normally spawnpeekers kill the weakest players or rushers who sprint into the open in an attempt to reach the objective before the defending team is ready. The best operators for this are those who are fast and quiet, most notably Caveira and Vigil.
Attackers should be very wary of windows, especially on maps such as Consulate and Kanal. Tower can also be deadly because spawnpeekers can essentially roam the entire map without technically being "outside", which means they are not detected by the attackers.