8 Upcoming Video Game Bosses We Can't Wait To Fight

1. The Sheriff - Hood: Outlaws & Legends

no more heroes 3
Focus Home Interactive

You have to love it when a game appears out of the shadows and instantly becomes a title to get excited about. Such was the case of Hood: Outlaws and Legends, which dropped in our laps with an in depth explaination trailer in April earlier this year.

The central concept of Hood looks to be a delicious blend of PvPvE aka two teams of four competiting against each other and AI controlled enemies to rob from the rich and plunge a dagger in other players backs. Gameplay appears to revolve as much around stealth as it does direct combat, forcing you to work together as a group in order to surive as well as steal fortunes.

However it might not be the other players who are the biggest threat in each map, as the trailer makes special mention of the one and only Sherrif, an armour clad giant who looks pretty much purpose designed to make your life a nightmare. Think Mr X but hellbent on making you pay your taxes (Mr TaX?).

Jokes aside the thought of taking on this armoured titan when you've got barely a butter knife to defend yourself with sounds like all the right sort of terror and tension required to make a brilliant boss battle.

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