8 Upcoming Video Game Remakes That SHOULD NOT EXIST

3. Until Dawn

Horizon zero dawn

It feels like Supermassive’s cinematic horror game Until Dawn only came out four or five years ago, but next year will somehow mark a whole decade since it first dropped. Time, man.

Earlier this year, Sony confirmed that the game was being remade in Unreal Engine 5 for release on PS5 and PC later in 2024.

And yet, given that the original game was one of the PS4 era’s most visually impressive titles and firmly holds up today, a full-fat remake is tough to get on board with - especially if Sony intends to charge a AAA price tag for the pleasure.

Sure, Until Dawn’s framerate on PS4 wasn’t great, but that’s nothing which couldn’t be fixed by a less costly and time-consuming remaster. 

And even though developer Ballistic Moon is also introducing a new camera system and additional locations for the remake, it’s tough not to feel like this time and effort would be better spent on Until Dawn 2.

In the very least, if the remake is a decent success it makes the prospect of a direct sequel that much more likely.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.