8 Video Game Achievements You Cheated To Unlock

4. Storyteller - Batman: Arkham City

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

As much as I love fellow egg-headed Julesy boy Julian Day aka the Calander Man, I think it's safe to say that when it came to unlocking the Storyteller achievement for Batman: Arkham City, everyone cheated a little in order to pop this a damn sight quicker than was intended.

If you visit Calander Man in his cell on certain national holidays in the US, you'll be treated to an Easter Egg like no other, as Day recounts what horrific events he got up to on this day many moons ago. His tales are often hauntingly grim, and paint the villain as much more than a discount killer with a strange gimmick.

However we're all busy gamers with attention spans shorter than a Call of Duty player's fuse, so the idea of waiting for twelve different trigger points to emerge though waiting for the real-life holiday to roll around is akin to torture.

Therefore is it any surprise that most gamers cheated the system, quite literally in fact, in order to move the internal clock of their system forward in order to unlock the trophy quicker?

Sorry Mr. Day, but we don't have all of ours to wait for your tales of horror.

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