8 Video Game Achievements You'll NEVER Unlock
4. Seriously 3.0 - Gears Of War 3
The "Seriously" line of video game achievements has become something of a running joke within the Gears Of War community, as not only are they some of the hardest, most time consuming 'cheevs to unlock, but almost no one outside of the handful of other masochists that have already gone through the rigors of unlocking them will actually care you've invested literally hundreds of hours into one game.
It's a very weird scenario, where besting the game in nearly every way possible and in the case of Seriously 3.0 pushing every medal up to Onyx level isn't greeted with the sound of rapturous applause from the rest of the player base but a collective sigh and an eye roll so dry it sounds like sandpaper being rubbed into your ears.
For that very reason, a tonne of players simply bypassed trying to net Seriously 3.0, and for those that remained, the literal hundreds of hours investment into the multiplayer and a decision to forgo playing any other game for months was a true mast shortener.