8 Video Game Curses You Actually Want

3. The Devil Bringer - Devil May Cry 4

Dragon Lord Tiny Tina

Now if there's anything that the likes of Bionic Commando, God Hand, and multiple Warhammer 40K models have taught me, it's that having a giant mechanized or magical hand in place of your own pathetic skin is always a good thing.

Aside from wiping after going to the toilet but that's a SMALL drawback for the sheer amount of power these appendages offer.

Which makes it a little surprising to see Nero act with such resentment of his own arm in Devil May Cry 4, which has undergone a bit of a "glow up" since he was injured prior to the game's setting.

After this injury, his latent demonic power was awakened and infused his arm with monstrous amounts of power and a cool "glow in the dark" feature which is excellent for bedtime reading. Now to be clear the demonic entities of his arm do whisper to him from time to time which must be a bit annoying, but when it comes to combat the only voice you'll hear is the player cackling with glee.

And that's because The Devil Bringer kicks ass!

Creating a giant spectral fist, Nero can punch, grab and toss his opponents around the arena as if they were nothing, and once powered up can explode into an even more powerful form. Which again makes his moping around seem all the more strange. "Oh no my arm that has next to no side effects and that lets me beat all my enemies with ease is spoiling the end of Avengers Endgame for me boo hoo"

Get over it mate! Which he also does removing the voices from his head at the end of the game, regains his paramour, AND keeps all the devil powers. That's a win win win!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.