8 Video Game Easter Eggs That Smashed The Fourth Wall

8. Black & White Calling Your Name

Peter Molyneux may not be the most popular man in the games industry at the moment, receiving endless flack for the botched development of Godus, a £500,000 Kickstarter game that ended up being little more than a port of a mobile game. But there was a time when Molyneux's ambitions actually amounted to pretty cool stuff, such as Theme Park, Dungeon Keeper, and the awesomely spooky fourth-wall mechanics he added to his 2001 God game, Black & White. When you installed Black & White on your PC, it would integrate with parts of your operating system, which meant it could do weird things like check the weather forecast on Windows and apply the same weather conditions to the game - making it a much more miserable experience for people in the UK than, say, Australia or anywhere else in the world. But the real fourth-wall breaker comes when a villager dies in Black & White, and utters your actual name in a spooky, ghostly voice from beyond the grave. The game did this by reading your Windows user name, and text-to-voicing it to a creepy in-game voice. At least now you know that all those years ago when you played the game, you weren't actually losing your mind.
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.