8 Video Game Endings That Cost You EVERYTHING

5. MediEvil 2

Undertale Genocide
SCE Cambridge Studio

It's generally a given that if you commit yourself to hoovering up a ton of in-game collectibles in pursuit of the Golden Ending, said ending is going to be a special, happy one, right?

Well, in a grand act of trolling on the part of its developers, MediEvil 2 goes the total opposite way, by ensuring that those who collect all 20 chalices will be rewarded with a grand bummer of a cliffhanger ending.

Indeed, reach the end of the game with all the chalices in tow and you'll unlock an ending where Sir Dan and his mummified love interest Kiya hitch a ride on a time machine, taking them back to Zarok's lair from the end of the first game.

At this moment, the pair are then attacked by a monstrous version of villain Palethorn, and we abruptly cut to black. 

Given that a third MediEvil game was never produced, we're left to assume that Dan and Kiya were killed by Palethorn - that's quite the bummer for a "true" ending you had to go well out of your way to see.

Considering that the "normal" ending sees Dan join Kiya for peaceful rest in the afterlife, you're evidently better off not faffing around trying to get all the chalices.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.