8 Video Game Endings That Cost You EVERYTHING

1. Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special

Undertale Genocide
Human Entertainment

Let's wrap this list up with a majorly deep cut now, by way of 1994's Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special, which for reasons that will soon become obvious, was only ever released in Japan. 

As with most wrestling games, the end-goal of the story mode is to win the world championship, which in this case involves defeating champion Dick Slender - an hilariously blatant Ric Flair rip-off.

But because the game's story was written by Suda51, the madman who later made Killer 7, No More Heroes, and Lollipop Chainsaw, of course it was going to have an unhinged twist.

Before the fight, Slender kills the trainer of protagonist Morio, and even if you achieve revenge by defeating Slender in the ring, the game ends with Morio realising his victory is empty as he has nobody to share it with - his trainer being dead and his romantic interest having rejected him.

And so, in the game's grim final scene, Morio goes home and shoots himself dead. That's... the reward players get after fighting their way to the big title match. 

On one hand it's ballsy as hell, on the other, there are many reasons why you'd never see something like this in a WWE 2K game.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.