8 Video Game Items That Are 100% USELESS

4. X-Ray Vision - Superman 64

castlevania symphony of the night

Now I could well have just listed the game cartridge that Superman 64 was melded onto through unholy communion as a 100% useless item seeing as the game contains code resembling Swiss Cheese and spit, but believe it or not, there is actually an element of this utter pissy skip fire that is somehow even more broken!

And this dubious honor goes to the "X-Ray Vision" powerup that proves how much of a lead balloon this entire game is because Superman cannot see s**t with this powerup. Despite the power-up being an item you can find in just one level, the designers, who were clearly very busy making paper mache moulds of their own arses, didn't program the item to actually work!

What makes this even more comedic is that thanks to the camera going into business for itself and textures that appear to trip the light fantastic, you'll be clipping through walls and textures without the need for a power-up!

It's a testament to sin itself that this game even exists, and seeing as you'll have likely shaved about ten years off of your life just trying to get through the opening sections of the game, delirium may well have set in by the time you come across this useless item and you'll be laughing your way right into a straight jacket.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.