8 Video Game Items That Pranked Players

7. The "Potoin" - Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

dragon age inquisition
Square Enix

Dirge of Cerberus may be an especially clunky Final Fantasy spin-off that many fans of the series would simply prefer to forget - though it absolutely has its staunch legion of defenders, who will enthusiastically tell you just how good the game really is at every errant opportunity. Yup.

All the same, it does however deserve some modest commendation for this absolutely ridiculous in-game item.

Potions are of course one of the most basic bread-and-butter items you can come across in any Final Fantasy game - along with their more powerful derivatives they'll restore your HP. But the "Potoin?" Not so much.

If you stumble across these alarmingly misspelled items out in the wild, no, they're not the result of a bug or a bored Square Enix intern making a gaffe on a Friday afternoon when it's time to hit the pub - they're a damn, dirty lampoon.

The Potoin's description will cryptically inform you that it "instantly restores a few HP," complete with an ever-suspicious question mark at the end.

As it turns out, taking a Potoin will restore a head-smackingly naff 1HP, ensuring they're functionally useless health items that won't be much help in a tricky spot against a tough boss - even if you've got like 100 of them, evidently.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.