8 Video Game Items That Pranked Players

5. Stanamin Spork - Yakuza 0

dragon age inquisition

The most common health items you'll use throughout the Yakuza series are the various Staminan health drinks, which can restore masses of health and even top up your Heat gauge, too.

If you keep your inventory stocked with these bad boys, you can't go too wrong - that is, unless you decide to battle the series' recurring optional boss Jo Amon in Yakuza 0.

Because Amon having a stonking fourteen health bars isn't ridiculous enough, he's also got an incredibly sneaky trick up his sleeve which can easily catch players with their pants all the way down.

Throughout the hellacious boss fight, Amon may periodically pickpocket you and, without you noticing, swap your health items out for his own less-than-helpful knock-offs.

He can "gift" you Stanamin Sporks - rip-offs of the ultra-powerful Staminan Spark health drinks, and considering they look basically identical to their official equivalent, it's incredibly easy to consume them without even looking at their name.

If you do chug one, though, you'll instantly incur massive damage and also lose an incredible amount of Heat, quickly derailing any battle momentum you already had.

It's one hell of a dirty trick, but if we're being honest, it's tough not to begrudgingly respect the sheer gall of Jo Amon's hustle too, the bastard.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.