8 Video Game Moments That Will Be Mind-Blowing With The Oculus Rift

8. Any On-Rails Shooter €“ Time Crisis, House Of The Dead Etc.

For anyone who has ever used a virtual reality headset, they'll know that there are some control issues - it€™s the gaming equivalent of rubbing your tummy and patting yourself on the head at the same time. PC gamers have grown up using the WASD keys and the mouse together, while console gamers have long since gotten used to using two analogue sticks to manoeuvre their way around virtual worlds. For those who've never used the Oculus Rift before, try to imagine the bizarre feeling of a game reacting to your head movements but also requiring the use of the mouse to turn. On-rails shooters have been a staple of arcades for decades and, since they wouldn€™t suffer from this control problem, it seems like a niche genre that could find significant mainstream success with a virtual reality headset. For that one practical reason, it makes sense as a genre for developers to focus on. However, for all the evolution of games as a storytelling medium, you shouldn€™t underestimate just how plain fun it can be to charge into a supervillain€™s base as a secret agent in a game like Time Crisis or blast zombies in House of the Dead.
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Writer, gamer and games design student from the North East of England. Finally taking a break from reading WhatCulture articles to make an attempt at writing WhatCulture articles.