8 Video Game Plot Twists Revealed OUTSIDE The Main Story

4. The Plot Is All Agency Propaganda - Crackdown 2

Crackdown has a really weird story. The first game puts you in the role of a super cop who, by collecting a bunch of orbs and destroying gangs terrorising the city, can become an even more powerful super cop, with bigger weapons, bigger muscles and bigger vehicles.

It's a mad power trip, but the narrative's conclusion reveals that the militaristic police force you're working for (called the 'Agency') is more evil than any of the criminals you've killed, as they were the ones secretly bankrolling their activities as an excuse to use extreme force and prove to the city why a governing body like them is needed.

The game ends with you unknowingly consolidating their power and control over the city, which makes it a bit of a surprise when the second game picks up with you yet again controlling one of these super soldiers.

As explored in the great Polygon video above though, the twist in Crackdown 2 is far subtler than in the first. The sequel has you tracking down Catalina Thorne, who apparently unleashed a virus that's turning the population into mutated 'freaks', has planned terrorist attacks, and who has a personal vendetta against the Agency

Audio logs reveal, however, that this is again all manipulation from the Agency, who are actually responsible for creating the virus, bombed a summit to cover up their activities in the first game, and blamed it all on Catalina, who is really only trying to help.

Even if you figure the true story out as the player though, you have no way of stopping the Agency, but simply have to continue being their pawn.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3