8 Video Game Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight
3. Alice Is An Android - Detroit: Become Human
For the most part, Detroit: Become Human is about as subtle as a sledgehammer. While the plot itself is still enjoyable, it wears such obvious symbolism and foreshadowing on its sleeve. All with the exception of one key twist: the fact that the young girl android Kara is protecting is also a machine.
The revelation that this girl, Alice, isn't human comes right before the climax, but the team at Quantic Dream included so many hints towards her true nature before then that, upon replaying the game, it becomes just as signposted as anything else.
For one, when you find a picture of Alice's family in her room, it shows her, her father and mother, but the child's features are slightly off, especially her hair. The suggestion is that the real Alice is in the photo, and not the machine her dad bought to replace her.
On top of this is the fact that advertisements for android children (and their affordability) are mentioned a few too many times, and some characters refer to Alice as "it", all hinting towards the reveal that she isn't human.