8 Video Game Secrets That ONLY Appear On Xmas Day

5. Sonic All-Stars Racing: Transformed - Alex Kidd Unlock

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When people think about kart racers, their mind naturally and pretty understandably turns to the likes of Crash Team Racing, Mario Kart, and the ever beloved Diddy Kong Racing, however, there's a proper dark horse of the genre in Sonic All-Stars Team Racing Transformed, which is as great a joy to play as it is a mouthful to say.

The controls are sublime, the tracks utterly awe-inspiring and it's all wrapped up in a beautiful hit of nostalgia from SEGA themselves who pay homage to a tonne of great games and franchises that the gaming community had thought lost to their dusty archives.

It's a love letter through and through, and one that got even better for PS3 and 360 owners on Xmas day in 2012, as when they logged into the game they were presented with an almighty unlock, that being Alex Kidd!

That's right, as a wee gift SEGA doled out one of their greatest mascots ever and he is an utter pleasure to play as. Whereas other editions of the game came with the lad unlocked already, in 2012 there was no better gift than Alex Kidd.

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