8 Video Game Side Characters We Should've Played As Instead

4. Lamar Davis - Grand Theft Auto V

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Grand Theft Auto V largely pulled off its three-protagonist gimmick with flying colours, but let's face it - Franklin is definitely the lesser of the three lead characters.

Though relatively "virtuous" compared to Michael and especially Trevor, Franklin's normality is also what makes him one of the series' least-interesting "heroes" to date - a straight guy buffer for those who find the others characters a bit too "extra" and "psychopathic."

Ultimately Franklin isn't nearly as fun as his pal Lamar, who is basically an endlessly stocked vending machine of hilarious and unforgettable one-liners.

Effectively a polarity-reversed version of Franklin - he's outgoing and ridiculous in all the way that Franklin is ordinary and, honestly, a bit boring.

Above all else, throwing Lamar into the mix with Michael and Trevor and robbing the game of its card-carrying straight man would've made for one hell of a combustible, chaotic triumvirate.

Fun fact: it's been rumoured for years that Franklin was originally able to die in GTA V's final mission, after which he would've been replaced by Lamar, yet for whatever reason this sadly never came to pass. Boo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.