8 Video Game Stories That Waited Years To Be Resolved

6. Shenmue 2 - That Damn Cliffhanger

Shenmue 3
Ys Net

Shenmue is an interesting game, to say the least. The gameplay is weak, held up by combat that has been changed significantly for the latest instalment. Players roam through a calm, plodding world, interacting with citizens in an attempt to find the man who killed the protagonist’s father. Regardless of any shortcomings, the game’s cult following has clung to this narrative, curious of where it will go and how it will conclude.

Well, after 18 years between Shenmue 2 and 3, a rough ride from Kickstarter to a place in the Epic Store, fans got the next part of the story. Chasing chickens, searching cupboards, interacting with wooden, unresponsive characters, it was just like being a kid again. Generally seen as more of the same, the sticking point of Shenmue 3’s release was that, after almost 20 years, it ended on a damn cliffhanger yet again.

This one’s a double-bill, then. Not only did Shenmue fans wait nearly two decades for a sequel, they’ll be waiting once again to get the story’s conclusion. Damn you, Lan Di.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.