8 Video Game Stories That Waited Years To Be Resolved

4. Metal Gear Solid - Psycho Mantis' Backstory 

Shenmue 3
Kojima Productions

The Metal Gear Solid franchise is about as confusing as they come. The creative vision of Hideo Kojima spans through numerous decades. To help matters, the games didn't release via in-game historical order, either. For example, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom pain, takes place in 1984, whereas Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, takes place in 2014.

Regardless of chronology, there are some Metal Gear Solid characters players simply can't get enough of. The one we're interested in is Psycho Mantis. That's right, the same guy who read your save files in Metal Gear Solid, which took place in 2005.

Throughout these games, be it through lore entries or other exposition, Psycho Mantis' history is referred to. It's stated he was born in 1970, as a child soldier who was also taken in and out of different testing facilities.

In The Phantom Pain we finally get to witness a younger Psycho Mantis, looking to be aged around 14. His plane crashes on the way to a lab, with him being the only survivor. He then latches onto The Burning Man's vengeful thoughts, helping him pursue Venom Snake.

It can all be very confusing but the general idea is, Metal Gear Solid is all over the place. But the fact we got to see a Psycho Mantis' origin was well worth the wait.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.