8 Video Game Trophies Totally Based On Luck

7. Roll A 15 - Monopoly Streets

Monopoly plus

Is there a greater game of chance out there than that left up to a simple dice roll? Honestly, there might not be and in Monopoly Streets, the devs threw in a cheeky little trophy which left plays hanging on RNG in its most refined form.

Now at first, this might be a confusing trophy to earn, what with conventional dice only having six sides. This is Monopoly after all and we don’t need any of those crazy Dungeons and Dragons Dice which come equipped with too many sides.

Basically, to even get anywhere near achieving this one, players must turn on the speed die in the custom rules options before starting a game.

Then roll two 6's on the regular dice and a 3 on the speed dice. This is the only way to get a 15 and from there it could still be hundreds of rolls before this one pops.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.