8 Video Games Built To Kill The Competition (That WON)

1. Forza

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For well over a decade, Gran Turismo was the unchallenged lion of the racing genre - from its jaw-dropping visuals to its tight simulation gameplay, there was just nothing that could compete.

But from the mid-2000s onwards, Forza Motorsport slowly began making a name for itself on Xbox, offering up a similar sim racing experience, albeit with the added hook of the ability to rewind gameplay to correct mistakes, opening the genre up to a more casual brand of player.

Forza's popularity accelerated into the 2010s, and once Microsoft launched the more arcade-y Forza Horizon sub-series, it truly felt like they now owned the racing genre. 

With Gran Turismo's releases being considerably more sporadic and other popular racers like Burnout and Need for Speed falling by the wayside, Forza laid claim to the genre throughout the 2010s.

Now in fairness, it would be ridiculous to call Gran Turismo dead - Gran Turismo 7 was recently a huge commercial success, but for Forza to climb out of total obscurity, slowly build a brand, and surpass Gran Turismo in relevance for many years was basically unthinkable during its heyday. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.