8 Video Games Released After Their Consoles DIED

3. 3D Tetris - Virtual Boy

dreamcast game

Continuing on Nintendo's strange foray into *checks notes* utter and complete madness, we have the Virtual Boy, a migraine simulator that also apparently had a sub-function that let you play video games.

Seriously at what point was this final concept actually approved? What about its Triffid-esque appearance that was deemed ok for public consumption? And why on God's Red Earth was this the primary colour choice for all the games? I know it's meant to be God's Green Earth but I popped on the Virtual Boy for ten seconds and now red is the only color I can see.

And speaking of sight, turns out that the end of the Virtual Boy truly was a spectacle to behold, as not only did it disappear like an absolute shrinker back to the showers with a whimper just a few MONTHS after launching, but also managed to botch it's final game 3d Tetris, as the title arrived twenty days after official support had ended in March 1995 in North America and didn't even receive a Japanese release!

There's a sense of true irony that Tetris, a game that invariably put the Game Boy on the map was also the final nail in the eyeballs of Virtual Boy users. To be honest, though a nail in the retina is something users of the device were used to at that point.

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