8 Video Games That Blew Up Thanks To YOU

6. Untitled Goose Game

helldivers 2
House House

Untitled Goose Game is one of the most bizarre and hilarious success stories of any game released this past decade. 

Who could've ever expected that this delightfully daft stealth-puzzler about a duck trolling the denizens of a quaint English village would rustle enough feathers to win the D.I.C.E. Award for Game of the Year?

Developers House House inadvertently made their game an instant viral curio when, while struggling to name the project, they simply decided to stick with the publisher's placeholder title. And so, when Untitled Goose Game's first trailer dropped in late 2017, it immediately gained traction online, which impressively sustained through to its release almost two years later.

Upon launch the game quickly spawned innumerable memes, and an academic paper was ultimately even written to try and make sense of why this game about a mischievous goose resonated so deeply with so many.

Perhaps, in a medium so often defined by brutality and action, the low-stakes nature of controlling a supremely annoying goose provided some unique salve to those looking to unwind and escape the tough realities of our world. 

Whatever the reason, Untitled Goose Game tapped into something primal, even universal, and reaped enormous benefits.

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Helldivers 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.