8 Video Games That Did The Hard Work For You

3. Final Fantasy 8 - Train Carriage Carnage

metal gear solid 2
Square Enix

Early on in FF8, the gang is given a pretty serious job involving hijacking a train, switching a carriage at high speeds, and then kidnapping the president of a nation in order to force his armed soldiers to withdraw from a local city.

In order to do this, you're given a briefing which explains all manner of objectives you've got to complete within a time limit, including how to couple the train cars and also how to avoid some special high tech sensors built into the president's carriage.

It's enough info to make you sweat, especially seeing that if you trigger one of these special sensors that are based on movement and heat signatures, that all the guards will flood your position, therefore isn't it just a huge bit of luck that it's exactly these sensors that are BROKEN when you arrive?

The feeling of relief that washes over you to not have to deal with that billy is surely enough to lower your guard a little, which actually turns out to be a huge mistake considering the boss you then have to face.

Still, thanks for not making this section even more of a pain!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.