8 Video Games That Ended Before They Started

4. Titanfall 2

star wars the force unleashed 2 ending

Now as we have said many times before, if you haven't already, PLEASE play Titanfall 2, as this game is quite possibly one of the most underappreciated hidden gems of the last generation, and it's such a shame seeing as the series was just finding it's footing just to then get its legs kicked out from underneath it.

The original Titanfall game presented a brilliant concept of big mech battles amidst mass firefights and coupled this with a brilliantly engaging parkour system that allowed for liquid quick gameplay, however, when it came to its narrative it was a bit on the light side. Stories played out on the same maps you'd play in multiplayer and in all honesty, the creatures you could spy off in the distance were more interesting than the military guff you were being forced to inhale.

Then along came Titanfall 2, smashing into the ground and tearing up the script of the original while delivering a truly heartfelt and action-packed tale of a man and his mech who take on all odds and exchange barbed remarks along the way. This was a breath of fresh air for not only the series but the entire sci-fi genre that was in danger of disappearing up its own ass, and so of course with all of this positivity it died a commercial death. Cool.

This was the game Titanfall 1 needed to be, but thanks to a decline in interest and a terrible release window of the sequel, Titanfall as a franchise is now gathering rust down the scrapyard.

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