8 Video Games That Ended WAY Too Soon

4. Halo 2

Resident Evil 3

Halo 2 is easily the strangest entry in the entire franchise and divided the fanbase entirely upon its release thanks to its narrative - and especially how it chose to wrap things up.

On the one hand, the gameplay was phenomenal, and thanks to the introduction of online multiplayer, became THE online experience for many, pouring hours upon hours and round after round into online opponents. On the other, the single-player which pulled focus from Master Chief, pushed a tonne of new characters and included an absolutely batty plot thread of a giant sentient piece of lettuce with tentacles, didn't set the world on fire in the same way.

Yet after a few stop-starts, the campaign looked to be finding its footing and as Chief uttered that immortal line, that he was going to "finish the fight", we all gripped our controllers in excitement as to what the final battle might be... turns out that we were going to have to wait THREE !*$% YEARS to finish it as Halo 2's ending was just a tease and setup for Halo 3.

No. Good. I'm glad I suffered through this mishmash tosh in order to be told to pre-order the next one. Even the developers knew this was a stinky move, as in the director's commentary for the game even they mock the ending! Thankfully it does shed light on what happened. Apparently, Microsoft made them cut three levels and release earlier than promised so it's almost understandable why the experience felt light on the ground.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.