8 Video Games That Forced You To Battle Loved Ones
Family feud.

I think it's safe to say that across our time on this planet we're all going to butt heads with a loved one from time to time.
Whether it's a lovers quarrel, a disagreement with your parents, or a dispute with your best friends, you're not going to get on with even your closest allies 100% of the time. It's a sad statement to accept but on the plus side if these bonds really are strong then you'll get through to the other side in one piece. Which can't exactly be said for all the entries on this list.
As here, in the video game medium, there have been countless times in which players have had to battle friends, lovers, or familial figures of their protagonist and because of the heightened nature of the experience, not all of these arguments end with just hurt feelings.
Exploded heads, straight-up murders and even a rare case of a proposal (okay, that one's not bad) all punctuate these literal punch-ups.
So let's take a look at the times when video games forced you to battle your own loved ones.
8. Resident Evil 5

I think it's fair to say that Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine have been through "a metric shedload of it" when it comes to horrific scenarios, and so is it any wonder that they have a nigh-on unbreakable bond?
After all it's not like your tales of flesh-eating zombies are going to go down well at a cocktail party with most people, but at least if the other was there they could be like "I KNOW RIGHT?!? WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THOSE CROWS!?!" So of course the pair are going to stick together like glue going forward.
However because the Resident Evil series is one based around making our protagonists face their worst nightmares, of course, this friendship was put through the wringer in order to squeeze all that juicy gut-wrenching emotion from it, and so in Resident Evil 5 Chris is confronted not only with his former colleague and master scenery chewer Albert Wesker, but now his former friend turned chest piercing pioneer Jill Valentine, who has been brainwashed (and bleached) by Wesker to help achieve his Machiavellian schemes.
However, as grim as it is to say, Chris's pain is the player's pleasure here as this is easily one of the standout boss encounters in the game, with Sheva and Chris desperately fending off Wesker before then being thrown into a boss battle with Jill in which they must work together to weaken Jill without killing her in order to remove the parasite from her chest. It's the perfect Resident Evil storm, melodrama, action, and tension so taught you could garotte someone with.