8 Video Games That Go BEYOND 100% Completion

4. CastleVania - Symphony Of The Night

Castlevania Symphony Of The Night

If there's one thing that Dracula from the Castlevania loves more than opulent castles filled with death traps and Hammer Horror monsters, it's opulent castles filled with death traps and Hammer Horror monsters THAT ALSO FLIP UPSIDE DOWN.

This cheeky whippet just loves to pull the rug from under players looking to best this bat based baddie, and will often reward heroes who have made it through his halls with a swift boot back to the beginning and a new challenge presenting itself in the form of mirror flipped maps and a slew of side areas being unlocked.

For example, the outstanding Symphony Of The Night boasts a full completion percentage of 200.6% which players can only hope to achieve if they have visited every single area on the map, killed every type of creature and picked up every item.

What makes this even harder is that the castle is packed with tiny areas all of which count towards this, meaning that you could swear you've been to a place prior, only to find out hours later you had to go and stand in a specific area to have the game actually count it.

It's not particularly a hard task for those enamoured with Symphony Of The Night but it will take you considerable time, making it a completion breaking milestone that might simply break your patience.


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