8 Video Games That IMMEDIATELY Gave You Buyer's Remorse

7. Devil May Cry 2

Saints row

Considering what a wild breath of fresh air the original Devil May Cry was, many were comfortable throwing down their hard-earned dollar to pre-order the sequel long before any reviews dropped.

But what Capcom served up marked one of the all-time most precipitous fall-offs in quality between an acclaimed game and its much-hyped sequel.

Devil May Cry 2 feels less like a full-fat, scale-upping follow-up than a direct-to-video spin-off produced by Capcom's B-team, so blatantly was it a step back from its glorious predecessor.

Where to begin? It's too easy to the point of tedium and the combat was noticeably scaled-back in complexity, both of which were seemingly cynical decisions intended to make the game appeal to a wider player-base.

Elsewhere the enemies and levels were blander than your great-aunt's tapioca pudding, and for reasons that will never become clear, Dante was turned into a serious, stoic sad sack compared to his more animated and charismatic portrayal in the original game.

On top of all this, the game's second disc - which contains missions for the other playable character, Lucia - largely just remixes the Dante levels in a transparent attempt to offer more "value" with only the most minimal effort.

It's no secret these days that DMC2 was produced under enormous internal strife, with the game even changing directors during the final six months of production, but that did little to salve players who effectively felt short-changed by what should've been a slam-dunk sequel.

At least Devil May Cry 3 more than compensated for its predecessor's flaws, serving up arguably the series' strongest - and certainly its most difficult - release to date.

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Saints Row
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.