8 Video Games That Let You Win In The Worst Possible Ways

3. Using Pedestrians As Weapons - The Incredible Hulk

Battlefield 1 Kolibri

The Hulk is a truly intriguing superhero, isn't he? Bruce Banner and his extremely not chill alter ego are seen by just as many people to be a villain as much as they are a hero. While Bruce and Beef Boy definitely defeat their fair share of evil, they've also nearly doomed the world countless times over, meaning that if ever The Hulk was on the scene, you better not be.

As if to clarify this point, the 2008 Incredible Hulk video game let you show the populace what you really thought of them by letting players pick up and throw pedestrians at enemies in order to do damage. Now bear in mind this is the same title in which you have access to all manner of Banner Gamma Goodies which mainly involve using The Hulks immense strength, so the very act of choosing to go out of your way to hurl a granny at a group of goons really is in poor taste.

It's incredible how low The Hulk and players would stoop just to avoid facing enemies one on one.

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