8 Video Games That Mock You For Using Cheat Codes

7. Jade Empire

Banjo Kazooie

Cult classic RPG Jade Empire has a less-spiteful albeit far more explosively violent way of ribbing cheating players, and one that's unhinged enough to probably rouse a perverse chuckle from most.

In the game's Imperial Arena, you can approach the gambler NPC Daoshen and play a dice game, where you have to guess whether you'll roll a higher or lower number than him.

Naturally the dice game is programmed to dole out its fair share of wins and losses via RNG, but you can turn the tide in your favour by save-scumming - that is, saving after every win and then reloading if you don't win the next game.

But if you finesse this enough to win 20 matches in a row and amass a decent wedge of cash, the game has a rather brutal surprise in store for you.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Daoshen will start writhing around like he's listening to the hottest mixtape of 1987, moments before a geyser of blood explodes from inside him, killing him instantly.

Evidently the intent was to tell players, "Alright, enough now you greedy bugger," and perhaps make you feel a teensy bit bad for aggressively gaming the system. To further hammer the point home, a nearby NPC then blames you for the mess, before declaring they need to go change their clothes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.