8 Video Games That Needed DLC

7. A Brand New Endgame - Vermintide 2 : Chaos Wastes Expansion

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When making a loot-based video game experience, it's very easy to bork the long-term goal of the project. As much fun as it can be for groups to forage for better items and weapons to take on tougher enemies in order to get better items and weapons, once you become aware of the gameplay loop you're in, if it doesn't have a significantly impactful endgame it can lead a lot of players to voice "what's the actual point of this?"

There are only so many times you can beef up re-skinned enemies and apply a liberal dose of bullet-sponge juice like baby oil all over them before players simply get fed up, so the question is, what do you do? Well if you're Fatshark the dev team behind the wonderful Vermintide series, you use an expansion to basically create a whole new game.

Titled "The Chaos Wastes" this 2021 update tasked players with taking on a series of escalating challenges across brand new maps, with the goal of taking on one of the Four Chaos Gods until all are bested by your hands.

What made the experience so refreshing was that abilities and weapons could be unlocked, upgraded, and imbued with new powers, and then carried forward towards your end goal. Coupled with branching paths, Twitch integration that allowed audiences to bless or curse the party, and optional challenges within the levels and Vermintide 2 received a new lease of life overnight.

This was a monumental achievement for the team and has allowed the game to hit its fourth anniversary in style as we all now wait to see what the devs can do with their upcoming 40K take on the formula, Darktide.


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