8 Video Games That Predicted The Future In Ways You Can't Explain

6. Deus Ex's New York City Terrorist Attacks & Missing Twin Towers

Deus Ex 911

You'll need to join the dots a tad with this, but they are some very obvious dots in the first place.

So, first up we've got the fact that despite being set overlooking the New York skyline, the iconic Twin Towers are eerily absent from the game's background texture. Remember this was released one year and three months before 9/11, so omitting such a cultural landmark was strange, to say the least.

Deus Ex New York City Skyline
Square Enix

The devs would comment that the missing towers were simply down to 'memory limitations', and that their size was too big to fit onto the texture being used. O... kay.

Regardless, it gets really disturbing when a memo you can find describes a "recent terrorist attack on the city" - leaving many to assume that the in-world explanation for the Twin Towers being missing is because they were destroyed by terrorists.

Again, one year and three months before the travesty itself...

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