8 Video Games That Resolved Important Movie Plot Threads

2. How Riddick Can See In The Dark - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay

Chronicles Of Riddick Butcher Bay

The Chronicles of Riddick wasn’t a great film, Pitch Black however was, and introduced us to the gravel-throated killer Riddick and his lovely pale, see-in-the-dark eyes.

In fact it’s this “Eyeshine” that easily becomes one of Riddick's most useful skills, allowing him to see in next to no light, meaning he’s more than happy to lurk in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike.

And while the prequel posits that he got his eyes through a surgical operation, it turns out that things were a bit messed up in Riddick's head, as Escape From Butcher Bay paints these events in a different light.

In this phenomenal stealth title, we find out that the Eyeshine is actually a dormant attribute of his race, The Furyans, and therefore any presumption we had on Riddick just fancying a bit of vanity surgery goes out the window.

It’s a small change, but fits much better with his character than willingly making himself blind next to anything brighter than a light bulb.

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