8 Video Games That Reward You For Doing Nothing

7. Shenmue 2 - Barber Shop Squirm

Telltale finishing TWD

Sometimes in life when faced with a problem that seems insurmountable or indeed dangerous, it's best to approach the situation with a clear head, to read the scenario before taking action, as it's through understanding our environments that we may be able to make better judgment calls over just wading in and hoping for the best.

Case and point I knew the moment that my young nephew had eaten his third slice of birthday cake and gulped down two pints of squash before entering the bouncy castle that following him in there was going to result in vomit on my clothes, so instead I just stood back and watched the magic unfold. On reflection maybe I could have told others of this impending doom but hey I'm in my thirties you gotta make your own entertainment.

Oh, I'm the monster now? Well, what say you of the horror show that was the barber scene from Shenmue 2?

In a series that popularised, revolutionized, and ultimately killed the very concept of the Quick Time Event, Shenmue threw these moments at the player nonstop throughout its collective runtime, and as such you'd developed by the point of this masterful sequel, a lightning-fast reaction to nearly every button prompt shown.

And it was here that you sealed your own doom, as if you failed to listen to the barber stating "just bloody sit still mate" then you'd actually fail this segment. You have to ignore the button prompts, the razor blade whizzing past your ears and basically learn to stay calm in the face of danger in order to think about what's going on.

It was a beautiful ruse indeed.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.