8 Video Games That Utterly Failed To Live Up To The Hype
2. Advent Rising
Advent Rising. What could have been eh?
This was meant to be Mass Effect before Mass Effect, a huge galaxy-spanning space opera that was going to be the start of a multi-part franchise that would allow players to delve into the deepest reaches of space and craft a powerful, personal narrative as they went.
Now that's an incredibly lofty bar to set right? Well now take all of that and try and cram it into the original Xbox. Yeah that's going to be a pretty snug fit. "it's ok" said the developers "I'm sure if we trim some of the ideas out then it'll fit! Ok let's drop some action sequences, some world exploration, hmm do you think people would mind if we totally botch the aiming controls?"
Yes. Yes, we did.
While not being a terrible game by any stretch, Advent Rising's woeful aiming controls hampered the experience greatly, and while the game did still offer a huge amount of content, it felt like it was an absolute chore to see any of it thanks to the controls.
Despite having an enormous ad campaign and even gameplay previews screened in cinemas, Advent Rising failed to do just that and flopped hard upon release.