8 Video Games You Didn't Realise Ripped Off Famous Movies

5. Heavy Rain - Se7en/Minority Report

Se7en Shelby
Quantic Dream/New Line Cinema

David Cage was one of the first creative leads to really attempt to make video games as close as possible to their cinematic counterparts. While other titles like Metal Gear Solid relied on filmic techniques, Cage's projects were both praised and criticised for essentially being interactive movies rather than actual video games.

Heavy Rain is no different in this regard, taking huge cues from David Fincher's Se7en (and the director's work in general, really) to craft its dark, crime-thriller plot.

The seemingly perpetual night-time setting (even during the day everything is dreary and dour), the constant downpour and urban environments that look like they're being held together by sticky tape all evoke Fincher's classic - not to mention the central story, all about a calm and collected killer who enjoys toying with his pursuers.

Interestingly, there's also shades of Minority Report in there as well, especially when it comes to the two main characters, both of which have a kidnapped son named Shaun (albeit with different spellings).


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3