8 Video Games You Didn't Realise Ripped Off Famous Movies

1. Tomb Raider - The Descent

The Descent Tomb Raider
Square Enix/Lionsgate

A game about being stranded on a desert island and solving the mystery of how a powerful weather goddess stops people from leaving might not on the surface seem to have all that much in common with a gritty horror movie about a bunch of people being tormented by monsters while trapped in a cave, but the similarities between Tomb Raider and The Descent are uncanny.

While the narratives themselves don't share too many of the same beats, the game's portrayal of Lara as a survivor and a strong female character is directly informed by The Descent's Sarah. The two transform into genuine badasses over their respective stories (both armed with pick-axes no less), taking untold punishment and occasionally even falling into blood pools along the way.

The horror inspirations are surprisingly at home here though, and help shape Lara into a far edgier hero than her cone-boobed predecessor.


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