8 Video Games You Need To Play Over Christmas 2016

5. DOOM (2016)

animal crossing new leaf
Id Software

Doom isn't even remotely festive, but that's kind of the point in it being on this list. Just hear me out, because DOOM is the gaming equivalent of a fight at the dinner table on Christmas day.

See, the only story to the game is that everything's kicked off and gone a bit wrong - and it's down to you to sort it out. A bit like when the family gets a bit too 'merry' and the infighting starts.

Every year I tend to play the original Doom or Doom 2 around this time, mostly for nostalgia reasons. 2016 however, gave us an excellent reboot of the series that is still one of the best first-person shooters of the year, and with the over the top violence and gore of the game, it's an excellent throwback to 90s shooters. It's not about ultra-realism or telling a gritty story, it's an excuse to have some dumb fun and blow demons away for a few hours.

2016's Doom is a great example of when rebooting a franchise can work.


Gamer. Grifter. Musician. Lover of Metal Gear Solid and all things Star Wars.