8 Video Games You Shouldn't Play As An Adult

7. Kingdom Hearts

far cry 3 vaas

Moving on from an entry that wouldn’t have too many of you clutching your pearls to one that I think might rock a few boats, if you’ll forgive me mixing metaphors, Kingdom Hearts is a tricky one when it comes to its subject matter.

Beloved by many but, let’s face it, kind of overly complicated, plot-hole ridden, and narratively disjointed, Kingdom Hearts the first might be a game that’s better left in your childhood where those things are more easily forgiven.

The Disney cameos, saturated cartoon world, and wild series of events are a total treat when you’re young, but now we’ve come to expect more from our games and it’s tough for even the most diehard of fans to see past the naivety.

If you can see past it and you have fond memories of Square’s 2002 JRPG, you might be able to get back in that headspace where a little silliness is forgivable, but I’d caution anyone with a mind to try out Kingdom Hearts in 2024.

There’s certainly a charm to the game world and Sora’s journey that dazzled players a couple of decades ago but even with the relatively well-received 2012 HD remaster, Kingdom Hearts 3 with its deeply confusing narrative seemed to suggest the series is showing its age.

At least Kingdom Hearts has the chance to evolve and grow with its audience if Square Enix so chooses, which is more than I can say for my next entry.

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Far Cry 3
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.