8 Ways Mass Effect Eerily Predicted The Future

5. Veti-Gel (Medi-Gel)


Healing in video games needs to be quick and, ironically, painless. But when Bioware created the concept of medi-gel, did they know just how prescient they were being?

So medi-gel is a medicinal salve that can cure pretty much every type of injury except death. It has the power to clot the blood of open wounds, and anaesthetises the surrounding area. Just whack a pack where it hurts and you’ll be back fighting alien cultists before you know it.

Hmm, that sounds a whole lot like Veti-Gel to me.

Veti-Gel, launched just two years ago, is a plant-based medicinal salve that heals wounds and stops the bleeding in about 10 seconds. Place the gel over the wound and voila, you’ll be back not fighting alien cultists (but you can now have tea with your mother…). The end-goal here is to sell Veti-Gel products to hospitals and the military.

Which is basically medi-gel, just as Mass Effect predicted.

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Mass Effect
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Word-wrangler and video gamer on the rocks. Once completed the original Resident Evil in 1 hour 4 minutes. Prefers Irish coffee over any other kind. Former movie trailer writer, now rehabilitated. Wrote the viral videos for the movie Watchmen. Likes sarcasm, cynicism, smoking and you.