8 Ways Mass Effect Eerily Predicted The Future
3. Human Implants
In Mass Effect, some folks have biotic implants, allowing them to control an eezo-powered mass effect field that’s implanted inside the body, increasing their abilities when it’s not sending them insane.
In the real-world, we have bionic implants. At least, we have since around 2010, when the first bionic eye implant was carried out. Since then, scientists have been squirrelling away, creating robotic implants that smartly mimic the part of the body it replaces, with lab geniuses working on ears that ‘hear’, synthetic touch and artificial brains.
Of course, we all know this will be used to create a race of unstoppable super-soldiers with a bad case of PTSD. Probably.
Biotics. Bionics. The one-letter difference is subtle, but equals all the same thing: We’re upgrading ourselves the way we’d upgrade a computer. So let’s give Mass Effect a charitable 50 points for being half-right, and check back in 100 years to see if anything’s changed.