One feature Rocket League has seamlessly integrated is cross-platform matchmaking. Many games involve either PC or PS4 games which only increases the size of the community and players available in servers. Unfortunately, Xbox One players wont be cross-platforming to either system due to restrictions and complications in place. Despite how well Psyonix have included this feature, there still isnt any way to invite friends from another platform into your own party. There are most likely a host of technical issues and hurdles that would cause a series of problems, and depending on how compatible PSN and Steam are together, it could be a logistical nightmare. But imagine if Psyonix are able to pull it off, allowing PS4 and PC users to cross-part with one another. Again, voice chatting is going to be another issue, but hopefully its something they could work around. If this feature is ever introduced into Rocket League, fans who have friends on another platform would be entirely grateful.
Writer with a big passion for gaming and sports, sprinkled with a bit of WWE. Massive Chelsea fan too, I just don't like talking about it at the moment.