8 Ways The Gaming Industry Can Improve

7. Reduce Lootbox Gambling Mechanics

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Listen, I know I might look it sometimes but I'm not an idiot. I well know that there is no chance in hell that the gaming industry is suddenly going to develop a conscience and suddenly state "oh, making money through microtransactions and dodgy loot-box gambling is bad for the consumer so let's knock it on the head", as if there's anything the industry at large loves more than making money, it's making money through pseudo-gambling aimed at kids.

Therefore I'm not asking that the feature be removed, because let's face facts, it won't be, but it can be reduced and better regulated. By this, I mean that a third-party agency should be set up to monitor and restrict just how many items can be included in loot boxes and that they must at the very least all be nongameplay effecting items.

I don't even think that's asking for too much, as it would literally safeguard younger players from being involved in predatory gambling practices and remove the stigma that has hit the gaming industry so heavily over the last few years.

It is unfortunately a facet of gaming that will likely never leave the conversation, yet if we're going to have to live with it, it should at least be controlled and restricted to protect those most susceptible.

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